
If I Never See Your Face Again

If I never see your face again
I won't mind...

That's right, MCAT. I'm talkin' to YOU!

In case you haven't heard the news, read my facebook, received an enthusiastic text message, or heard me screaming with delight, I am done with the MCAT forever :) I received my scores today at promptly 2:26pm after I got home from class and calmed my nervous tremors long enough to type in my AAMC login. Those numbers popped up on my screen and I started shaking with excitement. All that ran through my head as I looked at my scores and percentiles was "I did it!" I am a very happy girl right now!

As if satisfying scores weren't enough, I received a whole lotta lovin' today :) Phone calls, text messages, emails, facebook posts, high-fives and hugs started rolling in not long afterwards. One friend actually stepped out of class to call me because it was 2:30 and she had not heard from me or seen a facebook update yet (I was calling my parents at the time and I apologize most sincerely for not updating all of my social media outlets;) And another friend called me simply to tell me that I am a badass. So to each and every one of you, thank you from the very bottom of my heart.

The bottom of my heart.

But really, I can't possibly ever thank you enough. Thanks for keeping me motivated. Thanks for keeping me sane. And thanks for keeping me encouraged. 

As if all that wasn't enough, I received a text message from my now-graduated-and-in-grad-school roommate from last year that I am in the latest issue of the Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine! Awesomeness :) I have yet to see it, but believe me I will be checking the mail hourly until it arrives! Once again, thank you Bettie Locke for everything you have done (oh not much, just founding the first greek letter organization for women) and all my sisters. Theta love :)

Best day ever? Quite possibly.

MCAT, if I never see your face again, I won't mind :) I put in my time, and it paid off immensely.

Now off to bed so I can face another beautiful, busy, exciting day in the life!

And 18 days, 23 hours, and 47 minutes until my birthday! October, I'm loving you so far!!!


Don't Stop Believin'

Don't stop believin'
Hold onto that feeling

After a long absence from the bloggernet, here I am again. About one month later. One month older, one month wiser. So much has happened! My goodness, I should never neglect my blog for this long ever again! Also, I don't know why, but the font looks different than usual. I don't like it :( This is why I should not be away for so long; I forget how to do things!
First: Recruitment. That two-week period every September where Theta takes over my life and I forget that I know other people. But I love it :) Two very long weeks culminated in an AMAZING new pledge class and our house has never been closer :) Recap of Recruitment: "look, there's a dude!", "my favorite thing about prison...", "I'm a part of a LobbyCorps which is a group on campus...", "L-Dog and K-Girl!", "YOU HAVE CHARACTER FLAWS!"... and so many more wonderful memories :)
Next: School... is hard. I am taking three classes this fall, but don’t be fooled; they will not be a walk in the park. Let’s start with PE. Andrea Khoo will try her best to kill me this year in Aerobic Toning Interval. Imagine the hardest workout you’ve ever done, except now you’re being trained by a body-building, kickboxing female who has abs firmer than you can EVER hope for, who does not let you use weights less than 10 pounds. The bright side: she makes awesome playlists. Of course, when she’s kicking your ass with 500 squats and lunges, it is hard to pay attention to her awesome remix of “Pokerface”. I am also taking a Volleyball PE class which should be great fun! There are 3 other Thetas in that class, and we are gearing up for our IM Volleyball team... Go Thetarade! :) I’ve enjoyed getting back into the game recently! Now the actual classroom stuff. COM 2: Great Books of the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment. Read: Sucks. I like reading books in very straightforward language; I'm a "To Kill A Mockingbird" kind of girl. So that should be fun... not. GEL 107: Earth History and Paleobiology. So far, boring. We talk about fossils and other old things. I'm waiting for it to get good (DINOSAURS), but so far, no dice. NPB 111L: Advanced Systemic Physiology Lab, more fondly known as "The Chicken Lab". Yes, you read correctly. Chicken.

Yep, I'm going to hell.

In the chicken lab, we learn about the scientific process... and we get to slice open a chicken and do stuff to it. I feel really bad about it, really I do, but it's a pretty unique opportunity (and a class for my major). In just over a week, I will be donning surgical gloves to conduct a variety of trials on the chicken's cardiovascular system. Eep. Not sure what to expect, but I'm actually pretty excited about it. Although, I may never be able to eat a piece of chicken ever again...

Lastly and most recently: MLB POSTSEASON!!! In the most important afternoon of my baseball fandom and in the single best game of baseball I have ever watched, the Giants shutout the Padres 3-0 to clinch the NL West Championship and rightfully earn a spot in the playoffs. The last time my beloved Giants were in the playoffs was in 2002, where they were nearly eliminated in each series (typical) and dropped the World Series to the Los Angeles Angels and their stupid Rally Monkey in 7 games. 
Stupid rally monkey.

Yes, in 2002 Game 6 of the World Series, we blew it. We were leading 3 games to 2. And then we weren't. 

I have waited patiently for 8 years to see my boys make it to the postseason again. And for 7 of those years, I have been disappointed. They string me along and then break my heart just when I get invested. But not this time :) Because today, with the postseason on the line in the very last game of the regular season, my boys showed me that my faith was not misplaced. Today, the San Francisco Giants, became champions! Can't wait for postseason play! As I've said before, I'm a very superstitious baseball person, so I won't say what I'm thinking, but: the World Series starts 2 days after my 21st birthday, and I'm hoping to see some familiar jersey numbers on the field :) 

I knew it all along. Even when they were 9 games out of first, I kept the faith. Don't stop believin' :)

And: 21 days until 21 :)