Time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go
So make the best of this test and don't ask why
It's not a question but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life
As 2010 draws to a close, everyone in the world takes a moment to think back on the last 365 days: what was great, what went wrong, and what we'd rather forget. Based on conversations I've had with dear friends, and the status of literally everyone I know on Facebook, it seems as though everyone had the kind of 2010 that I did... that is to say, we are all ready to say "good riddance" to 2010 and ring in the new year for a fresh start.
2010 got off to a rough start. New responsibilities in Theta. Juggling VP-ship with friendship. Killer hard classes. Family health problems. Girls deliberately making my life hell. Major Taylor Swift moments (not the adorable kind). Thanks, 2010. Most appreciated.
That's not to say that there weren't wonderful things that have happened to me this year. I got a new internship. I was selected to be in Phi Beta Kappa. I was awarded a generous and prestigious scholarship. I aced the MCAT. I got another internship (three total -- yes, I'm nuts). I turned 21. I am writing a senior thesis. I found out I will be presenting this research at a national conference to very important people. I have people offering to write letters of recommendation for my medical school applications. A job opportunity just fell into my lap. And I have done it all with friends and family by my side. Laughing together. Crying together. But always always together.
As you can see, the "my 2010 sucked" paragraph is significantly shorter than the "my 2010 rocked" paragraph. Any logical person would then assume that I came out on top.
And I did.
Everyone has to deal with their own crappy days, crappy weeks, crappy months. We all get dealt a worthless hand every now and then (seriously, what am I going to do with a pair of two's?). For awhile, the sucky stuff took over. You know, when it rains, it pours? That kind of situation. But I found that when I adjusted my attitude and stopped caring about things I couldn't change, everything started going right. Really really right. I can't make people like me, I won't let a bad grade get me down, and I refuse to let an emotional and complicated situation get the best of me.
So to the people who helped me get through some rough times: thanks for being the same people that made the great times truly grand :)
Cheesy shout-out time (in alphabetical order):
Annalyse: Thank you for sending me a simple facebook message that sparked a friendship. And for being a constant support and source of inspiration in the form of short and sweet text messages. And a source of laughter (remember that email? I do ;) And thank you for introducing me to Jack's Mannequin!
Emily: Thank you for not allowing me to feel bad for venting... frequently. And thank you for buying me coffee when I desperately needed it. Anyone who has the patience to interact with a caffeinated panicked person is a saint in my eyes. And thank you for listening, always listening, and saying "that was music to my ears!" because we both know it was :) And for introducing me to Afroman :) HB2K10 will always be a beautiful, ridiculous and fond memory! Can't wait for 2K11!
Jessica: Thank you for keeping me sane through the MCAT, for always making Tacos and Beer the only lunch option worth considering, for listening to my random bouts of hysterical venting, for sharing with me your random bouts of hysterical venting, for convincing the world that I'm in love with Justin Bieber, for being my beloved next-door neighbor and most of all for being weird... with me :)
Katrina: Thank you for offering to do hilariously terrible things to the people that wronged me. It is nice to have a friend so fiercely loyal... and shameless :) Thank you for comforting me until 4am, and for picking up the phone when I needed a friend. And for giving everyone beads on Houseboats and being the best damn El Capitan. And for making "Kelly is done with the MCAT" jello shots. And for telling that creepy guy at Froggy's that it was time for us to go. That was a clutch move.
Lindsey: Thank you for coffee dates and jokes about Snuggies. I treasure our dates so so much and I can't wait to hear more of your stories. We live such sexy lives, don't we :)
Mia: Thanks for being you :) "Shut the f*** up, girlfriend!" Need I say more?
Michele: Thank you for being the sarcastic beez that I love and adore. Thank you for Giants games and wine coolers in the summer, for Gilmore marathons and presenting me with a plate of cookies when I didn't even realize you were baking them while I was having a terrible day. And thank you for the New Years Eve that is about to occur that we will never forget :)
Mom and Dad: You already know.
And to everyone who made my 2010 a little bit less than perfect: You should've known better ;)
So Cheers! Out with the old, in with the new! Happy 2011 everyone :)
Here's hoping you don't have a "brain hemorrhage" in 2011!
Party on, Garth.
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