
Take It Easy

Take it easy, take it easy
Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy
Lighten up while you still can
Don't even try to understand
Just find a place to make your stand
And take it easy

Sometimes I feel like life goes by at the speed of sound and I barely have time to breathe, let alone take it easy. Such is the life of an overachiever, a pre-med, a student. But taking it easy is a good thing, even in the midst of obligations and stressors. This weekend, for instance, was much needed. I have two midterms on Tuesday morning, and yet that fact did not stop me from enjoying myself. I realize that I'm coming up on the end of my third year of college. 1) Holy $#!% where did all that time go??? 2) I only have one year left, ONE, to make the most of the most amazing years of my life. That's a tall order...

Which is why I put down the books and lived a little.

I went on a best-friend-date with Emily to Cheesecake Factory. We got lost along the way, talked about anything and everything (thanks for not judging me ever :) and blasted everything from Ke$ha to Glee to John Mayer as we cruised down I-80 AND we got out of the restaurant for under $30. Magical! I love our conversations because we can talk about literally anything and just understand each other. I also came to some very empowering realizations while we were driving home. She has a way of pulling these things out of me. She said it was "music to her ears" :) I'm a musician; it's what I do ;)

The next day, we went to the Rec Pool, opening day. SO. MANY. PEOPLE. It was glorious! As we were walking in, we saw two guys pouring orange juice and champagne into a water bottle to sneak in. Only in college would that be acceptable (and to some degree, encouraged). That was just a glimpse of what was to come on the other side. Frat-tastic guys, girls who refuse to get their hair wet, a slight breeze, and the faintest hint of SPF 30 and snuck-in mixed drinks. Ahhh spring!

That night, we went to Katrina's dance show where, as always, she danced beautifully, making me so proud to have such a cool best friend. I love watching Katrina dance because, aside from the obvious beauty and expressiveness inherent to dance, she makes the funniest faces! I imagine in her head she's saying "Yeah, I'm good, I know!" Sassy lady, I love you! And she's super black on the inside and watching her dance ghetto is basically a life-changing experience! Also, I won $50 in the raffle! I never win things, so imagine my surprise. Houseboats money? :) Can't wait to spend a weekend of fun in the sun with my loves!

I promised myself that after the dance show I would go home and study. "Kelly, are you really going to study at 9:30 on a Saturday night?" Me: "Yeah guys, I have a lot of work to do" (in my head: meh, probably not). I was persuaded to come back to Michele's place and hang out. Best decision ever. I have never laughed so hard in my entire life! Legitimate memories were made that night. Michele and I took a joke WAY farther than anyone else did, and were still dying of laughter ten minutes later. "Are you still talking about that?" Um, YEAH! It was hilarious! We were seriously gasping for air like fish out of water. It was something about weaving but it was phrased very... interestingly. We ran with it. We ran with it very far! And Sassy Gay Friend ("Ophelia, this is the best your hair has ever looked! and to think you were going to get it wet, you stupid byetch! she's a stupid byetch!" -- youtube it). And the teddy bear (Michele, I still can't believe that moment even happened...) which lead to even more hysterical laughter. I'm surprised I didn't pass out. All-around ridiculousness. If my Saturday night taught me anything, it's that I don't need to go out on grandiose adventures (although I do enjoy adventures; they can be a blast) to have a great time. I'm so content to enjoy the company of the people I love, wherever, whenever.

For as fabulous of a weekend as I had in spite of my ever-growing to-do list, there were a few moments where the sound of my own wheels were driving me crazy. When left alone with my thoughts for too long, I waste my energy on things that don't matter. I have lots of thoughts about lots of things, like anyone. Most of the time, these thoughts come and go and I continue about my day. But once in a blue moon, a rogue thought will take over and nothing can snap me out of it. Except for friends. An encouraging text message, a kind word, or a well-timed hug can squash any rogue thought, any crummy situation, and any stressor. When life hands you lemons, text your friends; they'll bring the sugar and help you make the lemonade. I say it every day, and I will maintain this until I die: I am surrounded by the most amazing people. People whom I can tell my deepest thoughts and secrets, people who will pick me up and dust me off when I get kicked to the ground, people who will do anything to see me happy, to see me succeed. They taught us in the Girl Scouts about the value of friends old and new -- "Our new-made friends, just like the old, change from silver into precious gold." It doesn't take lifetimes to build such a friendship. Even the worst of situations can foster new and true friendships, and silver very quickly turns into lifelong friendships and precious gold. With these friends, old and new, borrowed and blue, silver and gold, I have found a safe place where I can make my stand and take it easy :)

P.S. I know it is now like JUST after midnight but I started writing this on Sunday night, April 25th, also known as precisely 6 months until my 21st birthday :)

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